Eek, a Mouse! Rid Your Home of Rodents This Season

Posted on: 2 May 2017

If you spot a mouse, take it very seriously. One female mouse can have up to 100 babies per year, which makes the chance of an infestation high when they are present in your home. The best thing that you can do to prevent a mouse-infestation is to become vigilant at the first sign of these gnawing pests. 

Some things to know when controlling mice in your home are:

Traps are inevitable. Unless you are the Pied-piper, you will need traps to control the pest problem in your home. But which traps work best? Depending on your personal preferences and tolerance to handling these tiny rodents, you may want to consider a variety of different traps.

Some traps to try are:

  • Snap-traps are effective, inexpensive, and easy-to clean up after. These catch one mouse at a time, though the faint-hearted may have difficulty handling the trap when a mouse has been caught.
  • Electric traps are quiet, quick, and a little easier for those that struggle with handling a dead mouse. These do cost more, and they capture one mouse at a time, electrocuting them without prolonged suffering.
  • Glue traps are seldom used, though some factories and large, lofty buildings may find them most efficient. These are messy, and can prolong the death of the rodents trapped.

The right bait makes a big difference. If you are baiting your traps with cheese, stop. Cheese is not the most effective bait for a trap; in actuality, peanut butter is very effective as it has a smell and longevity that doesn't require constant re-baiting.

There are some creative solutions. If you want to take a do-it-yourself approach in lieu of conventional mouse-traps, consider making your own dunk-tank for catching multiple mice. This method involves using a five-gallon bucket, half-filled with water, and suspending a dowel across the top with bait strategically placed in the center. Create a ramp with a board or piece of a branch and mice will fall from the dowel as they approach the bait, drowning them.

Avoid the repercussions of an infestation. There are many repercussions to delayed reaction to a mouse problem, including the obvious stress of sharing your home with rodents. These pesky pests chew on wires and cords, which could potentially cause a fire. They also leave waste that could impact the respiratory health of everyone living in the dwelling over time.

Call a professional. Whatever approach you take, don't delay. Call an exterminator or pest control professional to take care of the issue quickly or when you surmise your mouse problem has become an infestation.

Use these tips when dealing with a mouse (or two!) in your home. These approaches are best when used promptly, at the first sighting of mice or mouse droppings. Check out sites like for more advice and call an exterminator for fast, effective resolution. 
