• Removing Ants From Your Home: What To Know

    Ants are a pest that works in a colony, with a queen that they serve and worker ants that go out to gather food and water in order for them all to survive. These pesky bugs can be a nuisance when they are in your home, as they can multiply quickly, and you could have thousands or more of these pests in your home at a single time. These pests can be difficult to get rid of because of how many you may have and because they could be crawling about without you even noticing them until you have an infestation to deal with.
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  • Do You Suspect A Cockroach Infestation In Your Residence? Here's Where They're Likely Hiding

    Cockroaches are some of the more common pests you may come across in your residence. These insects can even invade clean homes in search of food and shelter. Notably, the critters are nocturnal, so if you spot them scuttling in your house during the day, it indicates a serious infestation that necessitates the intervention of a roach exterminator. These pests can be found in the following areas: Appliances Roaches like to stay out of sight, e.
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  • A Termite Control Professional May Tent And Fog Your Home To Eradicate A Termite Infestation

    There are a few methods of termite control your exterminator might consider when you have termite activity in your home. They might try bait or liquid termiticide. However, when you have a bad infestation of termites, or the termites are in an inaccessible area, your pest control professional may recommend tenting. Tenting is a long-standing and effective method for killing termites. Here's what you should know about termite control with tenting.
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  • Dealing With A Flea Infestation Inside Of Your Home

    If you have a dog or cat, or more than one of these pets, the prospect of them contracting fleas at one time or another is a real concern, especially if they spend any amount of time outdoors. When a pet gets fleas, these pests can easily multiply to areas inside of your home where you would rather they do not exist. Here are steps to take to rid your home of an unwanted flea infestation and keep them away for good.
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  • What You Can Do To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs In Your Bed

    Bed bugs are a pest that can be difficult to get rid of once they get into your home. They can get to your home in a number of ways, including on your clothing, your shoes, or your luggage from elsewhere such as a hotel, or from someone else's home. If you end up with bed bugs in your home, there are telltale signs that you have them. These pests may leave behind blood smears on your walls or on your bedding, or they may leave behind their skin sheds.
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  • Bats In The Attic? Tips For Bat Removal

    Bat removal and wildlife animal control can be a daunting task for the average homeowner. Bats find their way into your home for a number of reasons, and one of these reasons is because they have found it easy to get in. This might be because your home is older and has easy access, or it could be because branches from a tree are too close. Regardless of how they got in, the next step is finding a professional wildlife removal specialist that can deal with the problem humanely.
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  • Tips For Dealing With A Mosquito Problem On Your Property

    Mosquitoes are a pest that nobody wants to deal with around their yard because it is going to leave you and your guests with plenty of itchy bites after you spend some time outdoors. That's why many people turn to pest control solutions to get rid of mosquitoes. Here are some tips for applying insecticides to control those mosquitoes. Spray On A Day Without Wind It is best to spray an insecticide on a day where there is not going to be any wind.
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  • Pest Control Tasks You Can Do On Your Own

    Pest control can sometimes be handled on your own in your home if you know what you're doing and what pests you're dealing with, but there may be times when these pest problems get out of hand, or you may not be aware of what you're doing or what type of pest you have. When this happens, you need to hire a pest control company to help you handle the situation.
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  • Don't Let Them Eat You Out Of House And Home: Signs You Need Termite Control Services

    If you live in an older home, and you've fallen behind on your termite treatment, there's a good chance that the bugs have returned. You might not realize this, but without continuous treatment, termites can return. Unfortunately, when they do return, they can cause significant damage to your home, especially if you don't start termite treatment right away. If you've encountered any of the issues described here, now's the time to contact a pest control service.
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  • 5 Signs You Have A Termite Infestation

    Termite damage lowers the value of a property. The damage starts from one part of your building and if left untreated, they move to other parts of the property and cause massive structural damage over time. So you should remove termites immediately you notice them. And since extermination can be an expensive and complicated affair, the best way to be on the top of the game is to identify an infestation early enough.
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