
  • How To Get Rid Of Whiteflies On Plants

    Whiteflies are common pests you may find in your garden or on your houseplants. Resembling moths with a scaly appearance, they measure a sixteenth-inch long at full size  Despite their small size, they can do tremendous damage to plants, literally sucking the life out of them by feeding on sap and eventually causing plant death. Follow these steps to treat the whitefly infestation. Prepare to Treat the Whitefly Infestation To treat a whitefly infestation, gather:
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  • Be Prepared For Termite Extermination

    Termite extermination involves using pesticides to kill the bugs. A professional exterminator will cover your home with a tarp and use chemicals to kill the pests inside. Fumigation of your home requires professional treatment, and it is definitely not something you want to try to DIY. Professionals are great at fumigation, but there are a few things you can do to help them do their job as efficiently as possible.
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  • Are Your Retired Parents Dealing With A Rat Problem? A Budget-Friendly Guide To Pest Control

    After retirement, many adults live on a fixed income that requires carefully budgeting for home maintenance tasks. Unfortunately, pest control problems can arise at anytime, and a rat infestation requires immediate action to stop them from reproducing in your loved one's home. Use these strategies to help your parents find a budget-friendly solution to their current rat problem. Remove Attractants When rats invade a house, they are looking for a safe place to build their nests along with easy sources of food and water.
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  • How To Prevent Bringing Home A Bed Bug Infestation Souvenir On Your Next Vacation

    You are traveling and plan to stay in a hotel, but how can you protect yourself and your possessions from bed bugs? Once you get inside your room, it is a good idea to pull back the sheets and check the bedding and mattress for any visible bed bugs. It is also smart to take extra precautions in case you missed seeing any bed bugs and need to protect yourself from them.
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  • Ant Problems

    The worst thing about ants as a pest is they can be so hard to see. These little pests can do a lot of damage and not even be recognized. Carpenter ants can be a major problem because they make a living in the woody parts of your home, and can weaken the structure of the home. The good news is that there are a few different things that you can do to win the battle against ants.
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  • Why Spider Control Is Wise For Black Widows

    If you are an individual who lives in the country, then you may be used to larger animals like coyotes and bears coming onto your property. If so, you may not take a few spiders in your home seriously. After all, they are only spiders. While this may be true, there are a few types of spiders that should be immediately eradicated if you find them in your home. The black widow is one of them.
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  • 3 Signs it's Time to Call an Exterminator to Get Rid of Mice in Your House

    Mice are annoying little creatures because they chew up your belongings yet they remain hidden from sight. You may never actually see a mouse when you have an infestation because they are stealthy and only come out at night. They leave behind signs of their presence though, so when you spot any of the indications of mice in your house listed below, it's time to call your pest control company for help.
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  • Mice Troubles? Two Tips To Help Keep Rodents Out Of Your Home

    If you're dealing with a mouse problem at your house, you understand just how frustrating such a situation can be.  You can no longer fully relax because you find yourself peeking around each corner with a sense of dread, hoping that the mouse will stay hidden so it doesn't scare you to pieces.  While it can be difficult to get rid of a mouse, the best thing to do is focus on mouse control in the first place.
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  • How Often Should You Get Professional Pest Control Treatments?

    After you buy a new home, you want to protect it from damage so your investment grows. One thing you'll want to consider is pest control. By keeping destructive pests out of your home, you can prevent damage from chewing, urine, droppings, and destruction. Keeping pests away is just as important as getting rid of them when you have an infestation. A good practice is to have regularly scheduled treatments applied.
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  • Three Common Pests That May Target Your Home

    There are numerous pests that can target your home, and when this happens, it can lead to a number of difficulties and inconveniences. Unfortunately, there are homeowners that will frequently be extremely uninformed about the various pests that they could have to address. In order to help you with being an informed and prepared homeowner, you should take the time to learn more about a few of the more common pests.
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